Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Art Generators:

Bomomo: This art generator allowed multiple things… It was really fun to use all of the different styles and find your own technique. I really enjoyed being able to create my own work starting with a blank space. 

Jackson Pollack: This art generator was very basic, meaning there was only one way to use it, but it was very fun trying to create something interesting. All you could do was drag your mouse around the computer screen & it was up to you to make an artwork… and that to me was the fun part. 

Viscosity: This art generator was my personal favorite. It begins with only showing bars going from white to black and you can choose your own colors. But you have to use the different brushes they give you, or move every piece yourself (which is what I did). 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A Camera in Every Pocket:

Question: How do you feel the popularity of cell phones embedded with high-quality cameras has changed the nature of photography?

Answer: The popularity of cell phones embedded with high-quality cameras has changed the nature of photography by allowing multimedia productions to publish work, but it has also been "hard for professional photographers to not feel threatened.” An example of the positive impacts of multimedia is stated in the article: "But technological advances work to our advantage, too. They allow professional photographers to share our work quickly and widely, and tell stories in engaging, innovative ways. Think, for example, of multimedia productions, iPad applications or eBooks, as well as the ability to make work accessible through Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.” With the positive, comes a little negative. In the article, Olmos talks about how photography is dying and how cellphones have an impact on photographers. He states: "Photographers are getting destroyed by the rise of iPhones. The photographers who used to make £1,000 for a weekend taking wedding pictures are the ones facing the squeeze. Increasingly we don't need photographers – we can do just as well ourselves.” 


Friday, April 7, 2017

Alternative Assignment:

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

Art, music and theater classes in high school are not a waste of tax dollars. Yes, training young people to enter the workforce is a very important key-role in high school classes... however, if a student has a passion for the arts, that could potentially be a job for them in the future. If a student is doing what they love, how could that be a waste? Even if a student is involved in a class for the arts, they still have certain criteria they must follow in order to obtain a high school diploma. What route they take after high school is completely their choice, but saying an art, music or theatre class is a waste of tax dollars, in my opinion, is a waste of words. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Photographer's Interview:

1. Q) What is the name of the Photographer?
    A) Don McCullin

2. Q) How long has he/she been taking photographs?
    A) 50 years

3. Q) What is the genre in which the Photographer works? (If multiple, list all)
    A) He is a war photojournalist who is also known for his urban shots.

4. Q) How did the Photographer get his/her start?
    A) N/A

5. Q) What is it about Photography that the Photographer finds inspiring?
    A) He says: he likes the discovery and that he does not have to ask permission from the landscape on if he can take the photograph.

6. Q) Does the Photographer have a social or political viewpoint they are trying to convey? Identify.
    A) The reality of war.

7. Q) Does the Photographer discuss successes or failures? Identify.
    A) He enjoys landscape and continues to make landscape prints… his war photography is a success, but not what he wants to be remembered for. 

8. Q) What Artists/Photographers does the Photographer admire/emulate?
    A) N/A

9. Q) Does the Photographer discuss any historical aspects of Photography? Identify.
    A) He doesn’t necessarily discuss historical aspects of photography itself, but he does talk about some of the things he has encountered in his life of photography and how it has made an impact on his life. 

10. Q) Does the Photographer make any distinctions between Photography and other forms of visual art?
      A) Not in the video.

11. Q) What motivates the Photographer to keep taking photos?
      A) Imagination, determination, & most of all, discovery.

12. Q) What is it about the Photographer's work that YOU find compelling?

      A) The emotions that the pictures convey.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1st Semester Reflection:

1. Quality of Work:
I believe that this semester I did a good job with the quality of my work... but I don't necessarily think that I did the best I could do. I know I did a good job with turning in my projects on time, but I thought too much about the amount of time there was, rather than focusing on how well my final project came out. Also, I need to work on finding more pictures to take that will relate to my subject matter so that I won't be relying mainly on one image like I was this semester... overall, I need to dedicate more time towards my final projects and not stress.

2. Effort:
I tried my best to be actively taking photos specifically for this class, but I was also taking pictures for people that wanted me to take them... so this led me to not putting in as much effort and thought into my projects. Looking at my projects; I think I did an okay job, but I got disappointed when I know it wasn't the best I could do. Also, I tried planning out my projects before hand but often gave up when I couldn't come up with anything. I need to put more effort into my work... not only so the final projects will look good, but also so I will feel good about my work.

3. Participation:
When I had work I would do it and not waste my time. The only thing that I'm not proud of for this area is: whenever I would finish my projects early.. instead of trying to get ahead and ask about the next projects, I would occasionally do homework for a different class. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing to do, I just could've found something related to photography instead. 

4. Improvement:
I was already very into photography before taking this class, so I already knew what type of pictures I enjoyed taking... The thing that I improved most this semester was my use of photoshop. It was a learning process for me and I think overall, I have done an okay job... I still need to improve my work in photoshop and learn how to do more corrections to my images.